Twin Doelings

7 03 2012

Twin Doelings

Onion, the alpha doe in our herd, had twin doelings Tuesday, March 6.

What a difference a week or two makes. Two weeks ago we had lost a dozen kids, all either stillborn or too premature to survive and thrive. There didn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with the kids, other than they lacked some developmental markers. We had a warm snap and then the temperatures dipped and we got another week of snow. All the first-time nannies kidded early. Maybe the weather was just a coincidence. Maybe. It had been a sad kidding season for our young goat herders.

But, life marches on and we have to live in the here and now. Over the past week we have welcomed six healthy little kids out in the pasture. Five are in the care of their nanny and one is bottle-fed; two little bucks and three doelings.